Wednesday, February 4, 2009

Hot Geeks of the World - UNITE!

I don't usually wear glasses, I try to avoid them, although I do have six or seven pair at home. All fancy, funky in their own way. I just flippin' HATE wearing glasses. Hate them, hate them, hate them.

But what do I do? I buy a new pair and picked them up yesterday. Yup, super funky, very cool. I like them sort of kind of not really.

I wear them this morning. Feeling super nerdy but what the heck. Wanted to get used to them.

I'm on the subway and I'm reading my book on my Kindle, a birthday gift from Joe. Very awesome e-reader. As I'm reading, a very cute blond young woman in a low cut blouse sits right next to me and starts looking over my shoulder. She launches into, "What is that? What does it do? Is that a book? How cool is that? Very awesome! Do you love it? I love it!" and so on and so on. She was really too cute. I'd be into her if I weren't... y'know. Into guys. That gets in the way sometimes, eh?

We chatted a while and then she remarked on my glasses. Apparently they are "so cool for words, I love them, do you love them because I love them!" And then the outfit or as she said, "I just love your whole 'look'", i.e. the casually messy on-purpose but still messy hair, the distressed jeans, plaid converse, white t-shirt and grey light sweater vest I was wearing. This chick was taking inventory and I was feeling so objectified. Yeah, I liked it. Call me cheap. Call me shallow. Attention is attention and I'll take it when and where and from whom I can. I'm 42. I'm allowed.

We were coming to my stop and was getting myself ready to boogie. I put away my Kindle and pulled out my iPhone to get my walking-to-work music all cued up and ready to go. And Cute Girl noticed that too and said, "Another electronic gadget, huh?" and she smiled at me, beaming super white teeth below a cute little wrinkled nose and shiny little blue eyes.

I chuckled and said, "Yeah, I guess you could say I'm a big geek with that sort of thing" as I stepped off onto the platform and said buh-bye.

And this cute young thing leaned out and shouted, "If you're a geek, then you are a HOT GEEK!!" with an emphasis on the "hot" thankyouverymuch. And yeah, I had to call Joe and tell him a young little blonde busty really cute chick just called me a Hot Geek. His reaction? "I've been telling you that for years" My reaction? "Are you calling me a GEEK?" His reaction? "I can't win" followed by a huge world weary sigh and he hung up.

Whatever. I'm a Hot Geek.

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